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Sooner Parents Projects and Support

Sooner Parents annually provides parent publications, supports various university projects and helps to fund supplemental programming across the campus.

Sooner Parent Member-Only Scholarships

Awarding $20,000 in scholarships this academic year!  Each year, numerous $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to students whose parents are members of Sooner Parents.  General scholarships are awarded for each class (3 freshmen, 2 sophomores, 1 junior, and 1 senior). There are also 2 essay scholarships awarded each semester along with a random drawing scholarship for $500.  Many times $500 honorable mention awards are given as well. Applications for the scholarships will be available online this fall and links will be e-mailed to each parent member via the monthly e-news.

Mini-Grant Program

The Sooner Parents Mini-Grant program supports educational efforts in the Division of Student Affairs as well as in academic colleges across campus. Providing $10,000 in mini-grants this year help fund 20 projects!


Capital Improvements Impacting Students

Funding a $18,000 capital improvement project which includes a sound, projector and screen system in the Jim Thorpe Multicultural Center.  Completed a $20,000 capital improvement project for electronic window shades in the Jim Thorpe Multicultural Center - a facility widely used by students and campus activities.


Outstanding Senior Man and Woman

Each Fall, Sooner Parents presents an award of merit to the Outstanding Senior of each undergraduate college as selected by the individual colleges.  Sooner Parents also recognizes the all-around Outstanding Senior Man and Senior Woman at the University selected by a university committee comprised of faculty, staff and students.


Helping Students in Need

Donating $2,000 for the Financial Aid Services Emergency Scholarship Fund and $1,000 for the Sooners Helping Sooners program!


New OU Parent Calendars

A calendar is printed each summer for new OU parents providing month-by-month updates of what students may be experiencing during their transition to OU. It also provides ideas for parents each month.

New to OU - The Sower publication

Sooner Parents covers the mailing cost for this magazine each summer to parents and new students.

Executive Committee Business Meetings

The Sooner Parents Executive Committee meets on the Friday of each fall Dad’s Day and each spring’s Mom’s Day.  Sooner Parent members are also welcome to attend. 

Under the Tent

Sooner Parents sponsors and hosts a parent information table "under the tent" during Sooner Orientation Weekend and Panhellenic Recruitment Move-In in August.  Sooner Parents volunteers also recruit and enlist new members and vice presidents for the organization.


OU MOM, OU DAD, OU Grandparent, OU Sister, and OU Brother stickers are distributed throughout the year at special university events by Sooner Parents volunteers.

A History of Supporting OU Students

Over the years, the parents organizations have taken special interest in support of projects at the university. The Dads' Association publicly supported the bond issues that built Ellison Infirmary in 1927 and in 1964, its members passed a resolution supporting the creation of the OU School of Dentistry.

In 1940, the Mothers' Association sponsored and helped furnish Rochdale Hall for 38 needy women students. They also endorsed safety on highways and world peace.

The Parents' Association contributed $5000 to the building of the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History.

In recent years, the Parents' Association has helped co-sponsor some of the events linked to Dad’s Day and Mom’s Day activities.