Parents from across the state and country volunteer to serve for an extended period on the executive committee for Sooner Parents. Students and other parents might be given your name to call for information about OU or just to talk about having a child in college. The names of the executive committee members are also published on this site on the Contact a Parent page and in some of the university parent publications.
Regarding participation, at least one parent from each executive committee member family must attend (at a minimum) one executive committee meeting per year and volunteer at one Sooner Parent event per year OR provide some type of service for the organization such as being a scholarship application or mini-grant application reader.
If you are interested in serving please contact Mike Kaufmann (, Sooner Parents president, who will follow up with you about possible service on the executive committee as vacancies become available or as geographic representation is needed.
Thank you for your interest in serving in this capacity. We appreciate your support of Sooner Parents.