Confirmation Process
Who must confirm?
- The lead Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for the confirmation of payroll for all faculty and staff providing effort, both direct and cost shared, on sponsored projects. Lead PIs on large project grants (ex. COBRE) may delegate the confirmation of CO-PI led projects to the CO-PI for that defined portion of the overall award.
When does confirmation occur?
- Confirmation occurs on a semesterly basis. Semester dates will be based on the academic periods defined by the Provost Office.
- Project statements are released to PEC/GM approximately 3 days after all payrolls and payroll cost transfers have been posted for the period. The administrative review period lasts 14 days.
- Project statements are released to PIs after the close of the administrative review period. The Confirmation period lasts 30 days.
What is the Effort Coordinator’s (PEC/GM) Role in Payroll Confirmation?
- Effort Coordinators are responsible for supporting faculty confirmation, including PI confirmation of personnel working on their sponsored projects; helping faculty monitor their effort during the year; and processing any necessary changes in the University’s accounting system to reflect changes in effort allocations.
- Effort Coordinators are responsible for monitoring monthly payroll reports and discussing monthly financials with the PI.
- Effort Coordinators are responsible for the initial review of the payroll confirmation statements. ECs are required to submit payroll cost transfers to correct any identified errors. If no errors are identified, then the statement will automatically be released to the Principal Investigator for confirmation.