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College of Fine Arts and OU Campus Resources

The Wietzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts manages policies and procedures for all students within the College including students in then OU School of Visual Arts. This includes information about campus procedures.

College of Fine Arts Policies and Procedures (PDF)


College of Fine Arts Handbook (PDF)

Fine Arts Policies & Procedures Guide (PDF)

Fine Arts Library

Fine Arts Library

The University of Oklahoma Fine Arts branch library houses the collection of materials supportive to the disciplines of art, dance and music. Located in room 020 of the Stanley B. Catlett Music Center, the Fine Arts Library holds 81,000 volumes of books, 2,087 reels of microfilm, and 8,440 sheets of microfiche. One full time librarian, one full time library technician, one half-time graduate assistant, and five part-time student library assistants staff the library.

Besides the books available for circulation, there are many specialized dictionaries, encyclopedias, and indexes relevant to each discipline. Many of these are also available electronically from the library home page.

Integral parts of the collection are gifts from Francis Weitzenhoffer (Impressionistic Art), Joseph Benton (vocal music), Lawrence Odom (harp music), Helen Carpenter (scholarly collections), Spencer Norton (private library), The Bixler Collection (drama vertical file), and The Full Score Music Company (instrumental music). Special bookplates inserted into each volume recognize these gifts.

Visit the University of Oklahoma Fine Arts Library webpage

Fred Jones Jr Museum of Art

Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art

The University of Oklahoma’s Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art is one of the finest university art museums in the United States. Strengths of the nearly 16,000-object permanent collection (including the approx. 3,300-object Adkins Collection and the more than 3,500-object James T. Bialac Native American Art Collection) are French Impressionism, 20th century American painting and sculpture, traditional and contemporary Native American art, art of the Southwest, ceramics, photography, contemporary art, Asian art and graphics from the 16th century to the present.

Visit the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art website