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Hire Our Students

Hire Our Students

Discover opportunities to meet, network, and recruit engineering students looking for full-time employment, internships, and co-ops.



Hiring? Try following these steps

Attend the Job and Internship Fair

Advertise an Employment Opportunity



Engineering Job and Internship Fair

Students attending career Fair

University of Oklahoma Engineering Job and Internship Fair
September 12, 2022 | 12:00pm-5:00pm CDT
Lloyd Noble Center

The Engineering Job and Internship Fair, held each fall,  is the primary campus recruiting event for employers who want to increase their visibility among students interested in careers in engineering and technical disciplines. The Engineering Job and Internship Fair also provides students an opportunity to network, engage with potential employers and gain a better understanding of potential careers and career paths in the fields of engineering. 

Attending recruiters will park at the Lloyd Noble Center and enter through the southeast entrance labeled "Employer Entrance".  Attendees will use their OU ID card to check-in.  Employer check-in opens at 9:00am.

Employers interested in attending the Engineering Career Fair can register for the event via Handshake.  A direct link to the fair's page can be found below.

Engineering Job and Internship Fair Handshake Page



Employers interested in joining the fair can register to attend through the fair's Handshake page. Registering your company for the fair will give you a 6 ft. x 30 in. table, electricity, lunch, a company sign, recruiter folder, and cover the attendance of two recruiters.   

During registration, companies will be asked to give the following information:

  • A brief employer description
  • Website and Social Media links
  • Jobs you are offering
  • The type of opportunity you are offering (job, internship, co-op, etc.)
  • What majors you are looking for
  • What school year you are looking for
  • If this opportunity requires US work authorization or sponsorship
Upon review and approval by the Career Center, your employer profile and submitted information will be hosted on the Engineering Career Fair's employer list on Handshake and the mobile app.  If you have any changes, please contact Kyle Pedersen at (405)-889-4880 or
Registration is open now and closes on Thursday, September 5th, 2024.  Space is limited and can run out!   Registrations left unpaid after this date will be canceled.
Companies that register before August 11 will receive a $100 discount.
Registrations can be canceled and requests for refunds will be accepted until September 5th. Registrations that are not canceled prior to this date will not be refunded.  

Career Fair Booth - $700 Early Bird (prior to August 11) / $800 (after August 11)

  • Includes a 6ft. x 30in. table, registration for two recruiters, a large sign with your company name, electricity, lunch, a recruiter folder, and the opportunity to join the Engineering Scholars Welcome Mixer, Graduate Student Connection Reception, and participate in next-day interviews.
Additional Table - $700 each
  • Adds an additional table to your booth space and provides registration for two additional representatives.
Additional Recruiters - $35 each
  • Adds an extra recruiter to an additional table.  
Non-Profit/Governmental Discount - $200 Discount
  • Non-profit or government entities receive a $200 off their registration.
Next-Day Interview Table - $0.00
  • Alerts our team of your intention to conduct interviews on-campus the day after the fair.

GCoE Leaders Mixer Registration - $100

  • Alerts out team of your intention to come to the Engineering Scholar's Welcome Mixer.  Hosted by the Gallogly College of Engineering’s Broadening Engineering Impacts Program, this is a unique opportunity for recruiters to network and connect with students involved with our college’s programs including the Broadening Engineering Impacts Program, the Jerry Holmes Leadership Program,and more.  With scholars representing all majors in both the Gallogly College of Engineering and the Mewbourne College of Earth & Energy, this is an excellent opportunity to network, discuss opportunities, and reconnect with students before the fair.  Refreshments will be provided and parking is complimentary for all attendees.

Graduate Student Connection Reception - $0.00

  • Alerts our team of your intention to come to the Graduate Student Connection Reception.  This reception happens immediately following the fair and is a complimentary opportunity for all attending companies to reconnect and network with our masters and doctoral students in a more relaxed setting.  Refreshments will be provided.

Companies attending the Engineering Career Fair can also choose to sponsor the fair during registration.  Sponsors will be designated as sponsors on all fair signage and materials as well as receive additional benefits depending on their sponsorship level. 

Bronze Sponsorship - $1,500

  • Registration is waived for one booth space.
  • Registration is waived for the D&I Mixer
  • Company name listed on event webpage, day of event materials, and day of signage. 
  • Sponsor designation on app and at booth. 
  • Representatives will receive a sponsor ribbon at the event.

Silver Sponsorship - $3,000

  • All bronze sponsor benefits plus:
  • One additional table
  • One complimentary banner ad at the Lloyd Noble Center
  • Sponsor promotions on Career Center social media prior to the event

Gold Sponsorship - $4,500

  • All bronze and silver sponsor benefits plus:
  • Recognition as event's highest level sponsor on all event materials, signage, and webpage
  • Premier booth location at the fair
  • One complimentary information session room to use during the semester
  • Career Center promotion of company's recruiting efforts for one selected week during the semester
  • Company recognition within the Career Center for two weeks prior to the Engineering Career Fair.



Advertise an Employment Opportunity in the GCoE Newsletter

Every Monday in the Fall and Spring semesters, the Gallogly College of Engineering sends out a newsletter to students through email to announce various activities, news, and opportunities.  If you are interested in advertising an employment opportunity in our weekly engineering newsletter, please complete the following form:

You must submit your listing by Monday at 10:00am for distribution that afternoon.  If you miss this deadline, your listing will be included in the following newsletter. If you have any questions, please email

Opportunity Submission Form
for Engineering Newsletter



Connect with the Career Center and Join Handshake

The University of Oklahoma Career Center is a one-stop shop dedicated to helping students and alumni with career preparation.  From career fairs to personalized advising and everything in-between, the Career Center exists to help our students get hired Sooner.  As the centralized recruiting source at the University of Oklahoma, they help companies with with job postings, career fairs, and on-campus recruiting. 

Companies wishing to post jobs on Handshake and get involved with the greater OU community are encouraged to contact the Career Center about opportunities to build your brand through a holistic approach.  More information about the services they offer employers can be found at their website.

Career Center Employer Resources

Handshake is our platform for connecting you with top talent at OU, and signing up for a free employer account is the quickest way to get plugged in with students and to begin building your employer brand.  Once registered, you can post full-time positions (that require a bachelor's degree) and internship opportunities on the job board, which we will market directly to students in the majors you select.  You can also search student resumes, as well as register for upcoming career fairs and on-campus interviews. The Career Center is always on hand to provide support when using our system, so please contact our office at (405)-325-1974 if you require any assistance!

Create a Handshake Account

The Career Center job board on Handshake is reserved for posting full-time, permanent positions that require a bachelor's degree, or substantive internships that supplement the educational experience of OU students. The Career Center does not post or promote part-time or volunteer positions. If you would like to post opportunities such as these, please visit the OU Job Location Program website where you can sign up for a free employer account.

More information about the various guidelines for the job board and other guidance can be found on the Career Center website.

Career Center Recruiting Guidelines

Student at the career fair



Contact Us

Jeff Biggerstaff

Jeff Biggerstaff

Engineering Student Life Coordinator

(405) 325-4724

REPF 232